Q> Как сделать чтобы окошко не
появлялось на таскбаре?
There is more than one way to stop a window appearing on the
Rather than WS_EX_APPWINDOW, give your window the
style. Since toolbars don't appear on the taskbar, this will
prevent it
appearing there. Unfortunately, this has some rather negative
on the appearance of your window : it gets a thin caption with
smaller title,
and loses its system menu. This is not acceptable to many people.
Windows owned by an invisible window won't appear on the taskbar.
say you, "but my app is dialog based, so what now Mr Smarty
?". Well, you can
either recast your dialog app as an SDI with a hidden main
window, and have
that main window shown at startup, or you can create your own
hidden window
and set that as your dialogs owner.